7/18-19の2日間、原宿でBen Westwoodの展示販売を行ないます。
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住所:渋谷区神宮前5-17-24 GBビル2F
シェールガスを採掘するためのフラッキング(水圧破水法)反対派と賛成派のディベート、Talk Fracking が英国中を巡回してロンドンへと戻ってきました。しかしそこに賛成派の人は一人も現れませんでした。
Talk Fracking was supposed to be a debate between those against fracking and those for fracking which would travel all over the UK and ended up back in London but not really in a debate because none of representative of for fracking turned up.
ウェストミンスターのメソディストセントラルホールでのTalk Frackingに参加してきました。
We joined the Talk Fracking in the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster. It started off with Ben’s brother, Joe’s speech.
There were 6 panelists and Jon Snow from Channel 4 was the chairman.
I’m always impressed by audiences in the UK by the way they participate in debates. Audiences in Japan never say anything because the way we are taught is to always be passive.
私たちの友達アンディーも面白い発言をしました。「利益があるからフラッキングをする。そのせいで水が汚染しても 、水をきれいにすればいいじゃないか。そこにまた利益が発生するんだからって。結局問題は人間の考え方なんだ。」と。また他の人は、フラッキングなんかよりヘンプの方が余程使い道があるよって。様々な意見が出るわけです。
Our friend Andy said in public a very interesting thing, he said “People do fracking for money. If the water gets dirty then they can clean the water for more money. This is good business. It’s all about people in the end” and another guy said that hemp has no waste and is much better than fracking as an energy source. Many opinions were there.
Vivienne looked like a super hero.
But our true heros on this day were Max Keiser and Stacy from the news channel Russia Today. We love their program very much!!! They both were very lovely!
マックスにステイシー。ベンのアイテムは430KIng’s roadでお買い求めいただけます。近くにお越しの際は是非ご連絡下さい!
Max&Stacy, you can find Ben Westwood label in the World’s end shop(Vivienne’s shop) at 430 King’s Road. Buzz me when you are around! You are definitely get a discount! Thank you for the photo