
We went to the Christmas party of Vivienne Westwood company in Battersea Arts Centre.


The Battersea Arts Centre was a beautiful place with a classical arch at the entrance. And I also liked the neon sign outside.
About 200 people from the head office and shops in London enjoyed eating, drinking and dancing together. We also had a great chance to see live music including an opera singer, 2 pop bands, and a beaaaaautiful dance by Ferrnando who is a Vivienne’s friend and a top dancer of the Royal Ballet. I think my eyes turned into ♡ shape seeing his incredibly beautiful and powerful dance.







Ben and a Men’s designer,Georg were two kings with long hair, moustaches and beards.

ワールズエンドの名物店長リサ。全身のタトゥーも含めての彼女の着こなしは、いつもかっこいいです。彼女が着ているドレスは1970年代にデザインされたTシャツの復刻版Tits dressです。ワールズエンドのブログで紹介されていますが、あのローリングストーンズのチャーリー・ワッツが似たものを着ていたそうな。そして私、チャーリー・ワッツに2005年NYで偶然会いました。数分話しましたよ!さすがにその時はそのTシャツは着てなかったですけど笑
This is me with Lisa, the famous shop manager of World’s End. Her styling is always very cool with tattoo art all over her body. The dress she is wearing is called the “Tits dress” and this was originally designed by Vivienne in 1970’s. I’ve seen a picture of Charlie Watts from the Rolling stones wearing a similar T-shirt on an album cover. I happened to meet Charlie Watts in the meat packing district in NYC in 2005 and had a chat for a couple of minutes! 😉 but he was not wearing the T-shirt at that time 😉
ワールズエンドのブログ Here is the World’s End blog link → http://worldsendshop.co.uk/ooh-la-la/

ファッションだけでなく、ヴィヴィアンの活動、Climate Revolutionにも是非注目して下さい。
I usually write about Jackie at the end of the blog but this time I wanna talk about a poler bear. Vivienne has been making an effort to stop climate change and save the earth. The Arctic doesn’t belong to anyone. It’s really silly that some countries insist on defining it as their territory attracted by the resources exposed by the melting ice caused by climate change. I want you all to pay attention to her work at Climate Revolution.
Climate Revolution のサイトはこちらから→ http://climaterevolution.co.uk/wp/


眼鏡を手にClimate Revolutionの担当シンディーの話に耳を傾けるヴィヴィアン。
Vivienne was listening enthusiastically to Cindy who is on the Climate Revolution team.

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