1日中快晴の日曜日にRichmond Parkに行きました。最近のロンドンは、朝は快晴、お昼からどんどん天気が崩れてグレーになり雨になるパターンなので貴重な1日でした。そしてRichmond Parkはとてつもなく大きいです。9.55㎢だそうです。(ピンと来ない!)Wikiによりますと、NYのセントラルパークの3倍だそうです。(もっとピンと来ない!)
We went to the Richmond Park on the unusually sunny Sunday afternoon. It has been sunny in the morning and getting grey and rain in the afternoon in London recently, so that day was quite precious for everyone, I assume.
Ben and Jackie are camouflaged in the park though
The deers in the park were perfectly camouflaged. Even the logs look like the horns of the deers.
Can you tell me how many deers are in this picture?
Are they fighting or are they sharpening their horns up on each other?
We saw parrots in the park, I don’t think they are wild originally.
Camouflage everywhere.
Our friend Krishna too.
You can see the reflection of the beautiful sky of the sunset in the pond where wild swans live.
I love London very much because of these beautiful parks nearby where my husband can fit in the tree. I think Ben has become creative surrounded by nature even though he lives in the big city, London .
BBCラジオで、パンクロック歌手のアダムアントがBen Westwoodのジャケットを着用しています。2012年にアダムの曲がSMAP出演のソフトバンクのCMで使われたそうです。やるな、アダムもベンも!
Adam Ant was wearing Ben Westwood jacket in the radio interview in BBC. His music was used in the Japanese mobile company Softbank’s CM in 2012. Very cool you two guys! You can have a look at the interview below.