
We went to the Christmas party of Vivienne Westwood company in Battersea Arts Centre.


The Battersea Arts Centre was a beautiful place with a classical arch at the entrance. And I also liked the neon sign outside.
About 200 people from the head office and shops in London enjoyed eating, drinking and dancing together. We also had a great chance to see live music including an opera singer, 2 pop bands, and a beaaaaautiful dance by Ferrnando who is a Vivienne’s friend and a top dancer of the Royal Ballet. I think my eyes turned into ♡ shape seeing his incredibly beautiful and powerful dance.







Ben and a Men’s designer,Georg were two kings with long hair, moustaches and beards.

ワールズエンドの名物店長リサ。全身のタトゥーも含めての彼女の着こなしは、いつもかっこいいです。彼女が着ているドレスは1970年代にデザインされたTシャツの復刻版Tits dressです。ワールズエンドのブログで紹介されていますが、あのローリングストーンズのチャーリー・ワッツが似たものを着ていたそうな。そして私、チャーリー・ワッツに2005年NYで偶然会いました。数分話しましたよ!さすがにその時はそのTシャツは着てなかったですけど笑
This is me with Lisa, the famous shop manager of World’s End. Her styling is always very cool with tattoo art all over her body. The dress she is wearing is called the “Tits dress” and this was originally designed by Vivienne in 1970’s. I’ve seen a picture of Charlie Watts from the Rolling stones wearing a similar T-shirt on an album cover. I happened to meet Charlie Watts in the meat packing district in NYC in 2005 and had a chat for a couple of minutes! 😉 but he was not wearing the T-shirt at that time 😉
ワールズエンドのブログ Here is the World’s End blog link → http://worldsendshop.co.uk/ooh-la-la/

ファッションだけでなく、ヴィヴィアンの活動、Climate Revolutionにも是非注目して下さい。
I usually write about Jackie at the end of the blog but this time I wanna talk about a poler bear. Vivienne has been making an effort to stop climate change and save the earth. The Arctic doesn’t belong to anyone. It’s really silly that some countries insist on defining it as their territory attracted by the resources exposed by the melting ice caused by climate change. I want you all to pay attention to her work at Climate Revolution.
Climate Revolution のサイトはこちらから→ http://climaterevolution.co.uk/wp/


眼鏡を手にClimate Revolutionの担当シンディーの話に耳を傾けるヴィヴィアン。
Vivienne was listening enthusiastically to Cindy who is on the Climate Revolution team.


私がエージェントをさせてもらっているELECTRONIC SHEEPのデザイナーのヘレンが、ショーディッチで行われている展覧会のオープニングに誘ってくれました。
Helen who is one of the two designers of the label ELECTRONIC SHEEP which I have been working for as an agent invited us for an art exhibition opening party in Shoreditch.


展覧会のタイトルは「To London With Love」で、ロンドン在住のアーティスト約50名が、それぞれが感じるロンドンをテーマにポストカードにアートを施したもので、ポストカードは£10で販売されています。グラフィックデザイナーのヘレンは、ヘレンの友達と一緒にコラージュした作品を作っていました。時間と場所が書いてあるユニークなアートで、実際に彼女が体感したものをグラフィックにしたそうです。会場の中も外もたくさんの人で、大盛況なオープニングのようでした。
The title of this exhibition is ” To London WIth Love”, about 50 artists who live in London were involved. Each artist drew an artwork on a postcard about how they feel about London and the postcards are sold for £10. Helen who is a graphic designer collaborated with her friend who has been working for a magazine. Their artwork is unique because their postcards are based on specific time and places in their life in London. There were many people inside and outside and it seemed to be a quite successful opening.


This picture is Helen’s that’s why the texture looks a bit different. Helen’s partner in this project is standing next to her.
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私もヘレンももちろんELECTRONIC SHEEPのスカーフです。ちなみに私のジャケットはWorl’s endのボンバージャケットを上下逆さまに着ています。
Helen and I were of course wearing ELECTRONIC SHEEP scarves! By the way, my jacked is a World’s end’s Bomber jacket which you can wear upside down as I am doing.
WEBはこちらから。私もモデルしました。Here is the World’s end website. You can see me there. http://worldsendshop.co.uk/clint-eastwood-bomber/


A private sign in the exhibition. Our Jackie can get in because she is a Jack Russell rough 😉


Material 3 Rivington Street London EC2A 3DT
6th – 21st December 2013


I visited a small village,Amberley in West Sussex for my writing job. Ben used to go to a boarding school around here, so he took me to some places.

The coast in Sussex is always attractive but it is also very beautiful inland. I saw many thatched roof houses (this one looks like a rich mansion), a stone church built in the 12th century and beautiful nature with a river. I felt so comfortable and calm just being in the village. I heard many artists have visited here to sketch which I totally understand with this unchangeable beauty.






We walked and walked on the ground which was pretty muddy and I fully understand why most British people have wellington boots! These are a MUST! I always put my boots in our car so I was alright but the 2 photographers who came with us for their work put their normal trainers on and I thought I should have told them to bring waterproof boots. On the other hand, Jackie loves mud very much. She ran and ran splashing about and she was completely covered with mud. But she was clever enough to clean herself in the river. Very good girl, Jackie!


An old lady, Jackie was still knackered the next day at our friend Louie’s. This Jackie’s pose always reminds me of the Barrel, which is equipment for pilates. I’m pretty sure this pose makes her spine stretched.

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