I worked as a writer for a Japanese publishing company at the end of last year and the book was published last week, so they sent me a copy all the way to London. (Thank you very much!)
This book is about the Flower Fairies which are said to be a part of British culture. I wrote about 20 pages of this book including pieces about Cicely Mary Barker who drew the flower fairies her entire life, Columbia flower market, Kew gardens, Penguin books in London and so on. It was quite hard for me to visit so many places in the cold and short sunlights of winter in England with the two photographers called So and Sai, so it would be nice if you could have a look at the book in the shop.
この本のためにイギリス南部のアンバリーに取材に行きました。(アンバリーについては、以前ブログ「Village in West Sussex」にも書いています。)http://tomokawestwood.com/2013/12/03/village-in-west-sussex/
Part of this project was to go to Amberley in Sussex where Cicely Mary Barker may have gone to get inspiration for her pictures.( I wrote about Amberley in my previous blog. Please have a look!) http://tomokawestwood.com/2013/12/03/village-in-west-sussex/
These 2 pictures were taken by Sai in Amberley. Thanks Sai for family photos in the beautiful scenery although Jackie’s tail looks completely down maybe because she couldn’t get any tea&cakes.
This beautiful Sussex is now to be a target of fracking. Imagine the water here in poisons. I wanna keep this sustainable beauty instead of unsustainable shale gas.
Today, I’m going to write something different, not relating to London nor fashion that much. I wanna write about how my trip to Africa in 2012 changed me.( I won’t write about details of the trip.)
I went to Botswana where the country itself has been stable politically because of the diamond trade, so I flew from Fukuoka to Hong Kong to Johannesburg to Gaborone for about 36 hours. I had been wanting to visit Africa for a long time because I wrote about the story of Zora Neal Hurston who is an African American female writer in my thesis, and I had interests in the roots of her culture. I still remember that my heart was beating when I jumped on the SouthAfrican Airways and listened to the sound of African drum beats(it was the music in the airplane).
The world I saw right after I landed in Botswana was not the one I knew. Children would wave and give me smiles as I drove. The country itself looks like a huge safari park, there were only 3 airplanes in the country and of course they were delayed for many hours and the roads were very straight and long.
I always wanted to be “Cool” in a bit of a strange snobby way. I wanted to have better clothes, better items,better wine, better knowledge about everything from my friends so that they could click or say “Likes”, so I bought a lot of clothes and shoes. But I felt myself being very stupid during my stay in Botswana because the red clay colour of the earth, the sky coloured by the sunset, giraffes, elephants and cheetahs, their beauties are all absolute and I’m just one small human being on this earth. That’s why I totally agree with what Vivienne Westwood says ” Buy less, choose well. Make it last.Quality, not quantity.” to protect mother earth.
ボツワナに影響を受けた現在の私がどうなったかが、World’s end のブログで見れます。
You can see my ethnic look. Click on this link! ;)
I went to the fashion show of the label REVERBERATE in East London. (My friend took this photo very well! Ben looks like a Japanese singer and actor Kenji Sawada!)
REVERBERATEのデザイナーさんは、このショーの会場をNational Portrait Galleryのようにしたいんだと撮影の時に仰ってました。そしてショー当日、モデルのメイクと、音楽、そしてショーの雰囲気、どれも素敵で、彼の理想に近いショーができたのではないかと思います。
The designer of REVERBERATE told me he wants to create the catwalk as if it looks like the National Portrait Gallery. And on the day of the fashion show, the makeups of models, musics and the atmosphere, everything was so nice and I though it was quite close to his ideal show.
The designer is the one wearing a hat.
After the show, we had a nice chat with our friends who came over to see Ben’s brave figure.
Our Jackie tried to get the cat’s food again.She is so friendly to everyone that she entered the cat’s castle under the sink but the cat got angry and got out of the castle in order to take revenge then I got scratched. I was between them to separate them but I am not Nakata who is able to talk with cats from “Kafka on the shore” written by Haruki Murakami, so I understood I can’t be their referee.
I really wish the REVERBERATE label good luck from Japan to the rest of the world!